Thank you for showing interest in School of Astonishment’s “The Bully Game” Assembly Show

Please enjoy these free, fun, and informative blogs, downloads, and more!


10 Tips For A Successful School Assembly

As a teacher, principal, librarian, or staff member, you want the best for your students. That means an assembly show that’s not only educational, but fun and engaging so the lessons stick long after students have returned to the classroom.

With plenty of options to choose from when it comes to presentations and subject matter, it can be tough to pick just one. BEFORE YOU DECIDE, ask yourself these questions and give yourself the best chance at success.

Make sure your assembly meets all the criteria. If it doesn’t, choose differently.

28 Great ideas to Bully-Proof Your School

Bully Prevention is a year-round venture.  There is no single solution.  The more you do throughout the year, the better the results. We’ve broken our 28 ideas into three separate blogs. Please read through and implement the idea or ideas that best fit the needs of your school!

Downloads For School Faculty & Staff

Downloads For Students and Kids