The “What Is Magic” show for Yorba Linda West
On-Line Magic Workshop and Super Fun Show for your Scouts
Learn 4 really cool magic tricks and be ready to perform magic anytime, anywhere!

March 20th, 2021 at 3:00pm

Along With The Show, Every Scout Will Receive….
- The Exclusive Magic Patch – with the Grand Finale of an amazing trick PRINTED ON THE PATCH. This allows them to do the trick any time, anywhere (as long as they’re wearing their uniform).
- A Professionally Printed “Top Secret” File Folder – Has optical illusions, Magic Puzzles, A Super Hero Chart (Where they can find out they’re Super Hero Name) and clear directions on how to do each trick!
- Custom Color Pencils – Used to perform the now famous Splash Bag Illusion.
- Special Ziploc Bags – Used to perform both “Captain Plastic” and the above referenced Splash Bag Illusion.
- AND… Memories that’ll last a lifetime!

Only $10.00 Per Scout
(or use your Cookie Dough)